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I have this thing, i fall in love with cities. last summer it happened with TelAviv, The city I call home these days.

Despite the pain the war brought to the country, it was still breathing and alive, and made me look at it with new eyes,

it made me realise how our perspective changes once we live in a place, and how we let daily life take over our lives.


I love traveling and discovering the magic in every city i visit, but I never bothered to do that in the city I live in,

So this summer i decided to change that and start exploring my own town, sort of an insider/outsider.

This blog is about the magic i discovered. Architecture, art, design that are brought to life through

 buildings, streets, objects, food and people that make TelAviv what it is today.  

The frames that create the big picture, all the reasons why iHeartTelAviv

hope you’ll enjoy the ride as i enjoy the journey...



Shirley Mermelstein, Industrial designer

Born in Israel and raised in Belgium/Israel

Graduated from IED, Milan in 2012

Currently living in TelAviv










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